Here are some of my writing samples.
"Ted Cruz To Abort Just This One Tiny Thing" [The Whiskey Journal]
"The Top 5 Times I Saw ‘Face/Off’ On TV In 2015" [The Whiskey Journal]
"I Can’t Tell Anyone About My Tapeworm And It’s Eating Me Up Inside" [The Whiskey Journal]
"I'm Saving Butt Stuff For Marriage" [The Whiskey Journal]
"Newly Broken Up Couple Begins Passive Aggressive Whose-Life-Is-More-Fun Instagram Battle" [The Whiskey Journal]
"Local Man Flees Country After Two Exes Become Friends" [The Whiskey Journal]
"Local Woman Believes In Crystals But Not Herself" [The Whiskey Journal]
"Local Dog Knows It Is He Who Is A Good Boy" [The Whiskey Journal]
"Newly Discovered Rough Drafts Of Hemingway’s Famous Six-Word Story" [The Whiskey Journal]
"Woman Not Thrilled To Be Compared To A Brick House" [The Whiskey Journal]
"One-Year-Old Has No Idea He’s Having A Birthday" [The Whiskey Journal]
"Couple Mistakes Crippling Codependency For True Love" [The Whiskey Journal]
"Roommate’s Passive Aggressive Note Sure To Solve Dishes Conflict" [The Whiskey Journal]
"Man Alone At Party Pretending To Read Texts Not Fooling Anyone" [The Whiskey Journal]